Ebooks and Master Classes


My eBooks are unique – they are masterclasses at your disposal, which have been designed for your sole use at home, and they contain all my successful techniques in document form. Refer to them at any time to improve or master your technique. I demonstrate various aspects of posing, including techniques and mastery of walking, stretching, show look, stage management, the WOW factor and the most crucial technique of stress management.


Mastering Your Walk: This eBook focuses on the various techniques involved in mastering your walk. I demonstrate different exercises for foot placement, posture and hip motion. I model for you the perfect technique for the walk to the front, back and side-to-side routines.

Stretching Posture:  In this eBook, I present 12 exercises to work the hips, back, feet and shoulders that will help you improve your posing and posture. I will show you the proper use of the yoga wheel and how to properly execute the vacuum technique levels 1 and 2.

Pretty You: This eBook focuses on every minute beauty detail related to your show look. I will present everything related to hair (products, style, haircut, extensions), makeup (products, makeup artist), nails, jewelry and self-tanning. I list all the products that are a must-have for show day and products that serve multiple purposes: how to stuff your suit, how to take care of your suit, how to rescue your look and so on.

Stage Readiness: This eBook focuses on different posing transitions that are crucial for competition day. You will learn how to change places with another athlete, how to leave and how to make an entry on the stage, how to pose on the side-lines, how to hold your trophy and how and when to salute. This course will prepare you to be an excellent and prepared show day athlete.

WOW Factor:  Learn how to find YOUR personality and your WOW factor to catch the eye of the judges. This eBook demonstrates effectively how to catch the judge’s attention with your disarming smile, your look, face, energy and your unique WOW factor. Simply put – it will show you how to stand out on the stage.

Stress Management: Your mind plays an important role when you compete. If your head isn’t ready, your body won’t be ready either. This eBook helps you focus on controlling your stress during your competition through stretching and flexibility techniques. I will present different exercises to get your mind ready for your show day.



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